On-demand services

We provide following on-demand services. After click “Add to Cart”, you can change the Quantity in “Your Shopping Cart“.

Service Type Unit Price Add to Cart
Site-specific ground motion study (exclude dynamic response analysis) $3,500/Site
Slope stability analysis $1,000/section
Soil Nail wall design (nail length, spacing, face plate, etc.) $1,000/section
Liquefaction & seismic settlement analysis
(M, PGA, GW, and soil profile data provided by client)
Liquefaction & seismic settlement analysis
(Site location, GW, and soil profile data provided by client. We’ll obtain seismic data based on USGS tools)
Drilled shaft resistance calculations
(based on soil boring data and design loads provided)
Report for Site Class and Seismic Design Parameters $150/Site
Soil boring log generation (boring depth < 50 ft) $25/log
Soil boring log generation (50 ≤ boring depth <100 ft) $40/log
Soil boring log generation (100 ≤ boring depth <150 ft) $50/log