GeoLogs© – User-friendly Boring Log Plotting Software

GeoLogs© is a software specially designed and developed for Geotechnical Engineers and Engineering Geologist to plot soil boring logs using a user-friendly interface. Based on United Soil Classification System (USCS), detailed soil descriptions will be automatically added by selecting USCS symbols of the soil type. It allows users to include field and laboratory test data.

GeoLogs© is specially designed for being included in the Geotechnical Engineering Report or Geology Hazard Report. Deep boring can be seamlessly plotted into multiple pages by user specified depth per page. A summary of USCS page and a General Notes page are automatically generated and added at the end of boring log output. In a single project file, users can generate as many as number of borings.

Boring logs can be used to automatically generate soil profiles (under development) for subsequent geotechnical calculations such as liquefaction potential, seismic settlement, compression deformation, bearing capacity etc.