
MPORTANT NOTICE: The license fee of GeoAdvanced™ software has been changed to initial fee and annual license fee since May 1, 2021. As of 3/1/2025, the annual license fee will be automatically billed from the 2nd year for new users. If you order “Portable” version, please order “Personal License” first and then scroll down to add H&S fee.  

Package Modules Description Personal License
(Initial fee)
full version
(Ver 4.0)
Full version including:
Basic + GeoLiqu©+ GeoComp©+
GeoBP© +GeoEP©+GeoSC©
GeoLogs© Software for plotting soil/rock boring logs $295.00+tax 

(Require GeoSuite©)

GeoSuite© + GeoPile© Software
For calculating pile/shaft resistance based on AASHTO LRFD
Bundled package
Bundled Package GeoSuite©+GeoLogs©+ GeoPile© Bundled package $995.00+tax 
(Initial fee)
Comprehensive geotechnical laboratory test results plotting program,Full version $395.00+tax 
Annual License Renewal from 2nd year GeoSuite© $500.00+Tax
GeoLogs© $200.00+Tax https://geoadvanced.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/PP-btn_cart_90.gif
GeoSuite©+GeoLogs© $600.00+Tax https://geoadvanced.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/PP-btn_cart_90.gif
GeoSuite©+GeoPile© $600.00+Tax https://geoadvanced.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/PP-btn_cart_90.gif
Bundled Package $700.00+Tax https://geoadvanced.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/PP-btn_cart_90.gif
LabSuite© $250.00+Tax https://geoadvanced.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/PP-btn_cart_90.gif
Portable License (US) Fee for hardware key + H&S
(please order Personal License first and then add fee here)
Portable License (Intl.) Fee for hardware key + H&S
(please order Personal License first and then add fee here)
GeoSuite Ver. 2.* to 4.* +Annual License Renewal ($500/yr) $600.00+Tax https://geoadvanced.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/PP-btn_cart_90.gif
PhotoTime Stamper© Rename photo images and add time stamps and/or captions to the images. $10.00

  Personal License: You can install and use the software on only ONE (1) computer. There is no hardware (USB type) key or shipping. The license and software are delivered to you electronically. Free technical support is available to the one registered personal for the duration of ONE (1) year from purchase date.
  ‡ Portable License: You can install and use the software on multiple computers but the software requires the appropriate hardware (USB type) key attached in the machine to run. A hardware key is shipped with your order and this license is an ideal way to share the license between computers or take it with you out of the office on your laptop. Free technical support is available to the one registered office for the duration of ONE (1) year from purchase date.
 This is H&S cost for regular mail shipment. It’s included in the total purchase price.
 This is H&S cost for Priority Mail Express. If you want your purchase shipped by Priority Mail Express mail, you must choose Express H&S.