Mission: Provide advanced geotechnical software and services to civil engineering communities
GeoAdvanced™ is dedicated to provide professional geotechnical software and services to geotechnical engineers, civil engineers and engineering geologists. GeoAdvanced™ also provides on demand or contract geotechnical and earthquake engineering services for specific and unique applications. Our goal is to provide high quality geotechnical products and geotechnical services to our clients. At GeoAdvanced™, we offer the complete suite of geotechnical software that an engineer could ever need to complete his/her work in the field. Our products allow your company whether big or small to excel to new heights in the geotechnical arena. With more and more engineering software hitting the market every day, you may be overwhelmed when attempting to choose the right software for your company. Well, it doesn’t have to be! Here are just a few reasons why GeoAdvanced™ products and services rise above whatever else is on the market.
GeoSuite is included in software list of Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC), Soil Mechanics (DM 7.1) 2022 edition (NAVFAC DM 7.1)
GeoPile© – A tool for Drilled Shaft LRFD Resistance Calculations added in 2023.
GeoLogs© – A new module to plot soil boring logs added in 2021.
GeoSC© – A new module to calculate the swell/hydro-collapse deformations added in 2020.
Residual Bearing Capacity and Punching Shear Capacity for liquefied soils added in 2021

Product Highlight: GeoSuite© is used in a $1.5 billion hospital project in South California and saved the owner millions of dollars.
GeoSuite© is a comprehensive geotechnical software package designed for geotechnical engineers, civil engineers, and engineering geologists to provide liquefaction, seismic settlement, lateral spreading, compression deformation, bearing pressure, and earth pressure calculations and exhibits based on Standard Penetration test (SPT), cone penetration test (CPT) and shear wave velocity (Vs) data. By utilizing GeoSuite© for data analysis, you will save yourself hours of crunching numbers manually. GeoSuite© is the most comprehensive software package available to professionals involved in geotechnical services. GeoSuite© is based on state-of-the-art theory and methods including Robertson (2009, 2010, 2012), Idriss & Boulanger (2008), Youd et al. (2001) and Andrus & Stokoe (2000, 2004). Dr. Peter K. Robertson, one of the pioneers of CPT research, provided helpful advice during the development of GeoSuite©, especially relating to the application of the CPT data. By combining numerous methodologies into one powerful software, the staff here at GeoAdvanced™ believes that we have created the single most useful tool for geotechnical engineers on the market.

To compliment GeoSuite© we also offer a lab-based software that will help you present your lab data in an easy to read and very attractive format. LabSuite© is a comprehensive software package that allows plotting of geotechnical laboratory test results in a professional and straightforward manner which is suitable for inclusions in geotechnical reports. Whether you are in the lab or in the field, GeoAdvanced™ products can assist you in providing top-notch, reliable geotechnical services.